Khristine Osoteo
3 min readJul 6, 2021


Hello and welcome to my blog!

In this blog I will be sharing with you two of my recent outputs done for my Communication Planning course. With the theme of family vacation, it supposes that there are affordable vacation promos being offered both locally and internationally but where would my family want to go if we avail of any one of these promos?

When I was idealizing my family vacation mind map and checklist, I had to consider the current situation with the pandemic as well as our personal schedules. So I went to talk with my mother about it first and discussed with her a tourist destination in the Philippines she would like for us to travel to. On my part, I have no place in mind to visit but I do want it to be somewhere close to nature. I was quite surprised when my mother said “Palawan.” She adds that she would like to go there because it’s one of the few ecologically preserved places that’s full of lush green forests and clean waters. Thus, with that in mind, I will now show you the mind map I made of our chosen tourist destination: Palawan.

The mind map summarizes the activities we would like to do once we arrive in Palawan. The two main activities involve sailing or boating and hiking. To be honest, while I love being near water especially the ocean or gazing at it, I’m afraid of being in it because I’m not a swimmer and there’s always likely the possibility that I will drown. But if my family and I were indeed given this experience, I would do what I can to overcome my fear and appreciate going through famous sites like the Palawan underground river. On the other hand, hiking is an activity I feel more comfortable with. There’s something about it for me that seems really relaxing although it can be physically draining. I guess it’s the kind of feeling I have when I am inspired again to write by being close to the elements. Moving on, I did forget to include buying souvenirs as an activity in my mind map which is a typical thing to do for traveling Filipinos. Nonetheless, even without the said activity visualized, it would be something we’d do for our other love ones at home.

The content of the checklist I made serves to prepare us for our travel to Palawan. After much consideration, I was able to identify three key phases. These phases involve doing research on Palawan, accomplishing travel requirements and packing essentials. With my recent experience of going to Baguio, I know that my family and I must comply with travel requirements, considering the on-going threat of the pandemic for us to be as safe as we can be. Overall, I think I achieved what I wanted to address regarding our preparation for our family vacation. The only thing missing now would probably be an actual affordable vacation promo.

I stated before that I will be sharing two of my outputs and they seem rather pointless to discuss. So what if my family and I were planning something like this? What’s in it for you? There is in fact a reason why I shared these outputs and that reason will be found in a separate blog wherein you will find a third output related to my family vacation mind map and checklist.

Bye for now until my next blog!



Khristine Osoteo

“Educating and inspiring children and teens through vicariously woven stories.”